“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
(Proverbs 3:5)

It is not until you are hit with the reality of death that you realize the significance and meaning of Proverbs 3:5 and the comfort it offers in times like this. Truth be told, the passing of our dear Patrick has really shaken us and we are greatly saddened by this tragedy that has befallen our family.

This tribute is to tell you, Lynda and the children, Klenam and Sefakor, that we share in your grief. How we wish God’s will was different in this case! In the hope that your sorrow and grief lessen, we refer you to two passages from the Holy Scripture for your reading and meditation from time to time; namely 2 Samuel 12:16–23 and Wisdom 4:7–16, which explain:
1) Why God deprives us of people before their time and
2) Where such people are.

Patrick was the son of the late Perfect Newlove Nutor, grandson of the late Madam Celestine Ameyisa Adadevoh and great-grandson (3rd generation) of Togbi Solomon Kodzo Adadevoh, the Progenitor of the Adadevoh family.

Patrick was one of the younger, active, enthusiastic, devoted and committed members of the Adadevoh Family. He was a true family man, who devoted time, energy and love to family members. He was kind, generous and always ready to give a helping hand. He would always participate and contribute (in kind and cash) to family social activities such as weddings, birthday celebrations and funerals. He was one of the sponsors of the great Togbiza 2020 Virtual Celebration held in June last year to remember and honour Togbi Solomon Kodzo Adadevoh, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of his death.

Indeed, one of his most notable contributions to the family was during the compilation of the Adadevoh Family Register in 2014 when he generously made his office facilities available to the compiler for the editing, scanning, photocopying and printing of draft documents. He even went as far as assigning one of his IT employees to assist with technical issues despite their own needs in the office. Such was Patrick’s generosity, kindness, dedication and commitment to the family.

Within the family, Patrick formed great friendships and got on beautifully with everyone with no exceptions even those he did not know too well. He was truly the embodiment of the verse “you must love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). He honored this commandment by the way he thought and cared for people. Everyone he met was his neighbor, his family, his friend, and his colleague who he cared for before himself. There is simply not a list long enough to enumerate those who benefitted from Patrick’s time, kindness and generosity during his lifetime.

Patrick was our gentle giant who was so full of life, love and joy; it just doesn’t seem fair that he should be taken from us like this, in the blink of an eye; but who are we to question God’s will? They say God breaks our hearts to prove He only takes the best.

“God’s garden must be beautiful; He always takes the best.”
– D.W. McConway

Patrick was a beautiful, rare soul whose life, although painfully short, gave us many memories that will last a lifetime.

We shall miss you sorely Patrick!!!
Rest in perfect peace
Xede Nyuie. Dzudzor le nutifafa me.