Brother, son, friend, and mentor
I think of you, with love
The love you gave so freely to others
The love they returned so easily to you, my brother
I think of you, with a smile
Smile at our friendship
Your great sense of humor
The twinkle in your eye
Your laidback style; always cool
The way you made us laugh, my friend
I think of you, with gratitude
Gratitude for your mentorship
Advising, steering, championing
Through decades never wavering, never waning
To Daddy, you were a son
To Brother, Kofi, Dzinyo and Dzibby:
A cool, enterprising brother
Today we celebrate you
We honor your memory with a resolution to love more, befriend more, mentor more, smile more, laugh more, and be cool.
You are gone too soon
Yet, we shall meet again.
Thank God for you.