Tribute by Yvonne Kumordji

I will miss you Patrick.

My scrabble playing partner.
My Rotary International Conference travel buddy.
My roast pork eating companion.
My single malt guzzling friend.
My problem-solving thinker.
It is difficult to comprehend that you are no longer with us. We called you the ‘late Patrick’ because of your tardiness to meetings. Never did we ever think, we would be saying it literally.
I never knew the value of a moment until it became a memory.
We all cried endlessly when you left, without a goodbye, but we promise we won’t let the tears mar the good memories you have left us with.
The laughter, the travel, the leadership, the kindness, the walking:“ “AKWELEYYYYYY! Put on your TV and Pause Supersport!”
You will always be remembered, and no passage of time will ever change that.
I feel blessed to have known you for decades.
I will miss you Patrick.