Tribute by the Haatso Crew

Amega, where are you?
You are a big man, large at heart, warm and kind, eager to host with no restraint or care.
We wake each morn in hope that this is just another bad dream!
Amega, where are you?
Often you will slide in last and sure be last to part.
Why have you for the first time been the first to part?
How did we miss this part?

Was it not just yesterday that we were scheduled to walk,
Puff, dine and talk?

This crew, the Haatso Crew, was birthed because it had you – you to walk, host and roast. How will we be the crew without you?

O Amega, where are you?

You were the Amicus, whose briefing was final.
When you ruled, Marietta had no dispute, Emeafa’s rant had no place, Dominic held on to hope; and for sure, Spearo was certain to lose, while Senyo and Tony patiently waited for your V-Cut.

And yes Aku’s scream; “he has finished me”!

We are great together, a union made by the heavens, and today, a big piece of us is gone to heaven.

But your memories shall live with us!

So long Amicus, So long Amega!