1 Thessalonias 4 – v 13 – 18 – Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.
Patrick Koblah Nutor also known as Amega, or Apetor by many, but for many of us in the squash fraternity, from these 2 clubs, we know him as ‘Foot Fault’!!!!
He was our brother, friend, companion, opponent, but best of all, our consummate entertainer. He was an avid sportsman, attested by the biography and many tributes but our claim to him was in squash, which he played consistently in his later years at these 2 clubs. He initially started playing squash at Unilever Squash Club on his return to Ghana in 1990 thereabouts and that was where many of us re-united with him. His reflexes had slowed with age, over the years, and with slight increase in weight, he had to have other ways to win points. His number one point taker was to look out to his opponent when he’s serving for a point and quickly shout ‘foot fault’ to gain that point whether it was true or not. The stories at the squash courts over the years are endless and it would take more than 10 pages to recollect all of them.
Then comes the ‘sitting’ after the games are played. The sitting, to him, was an important and integral part of the sport. To him, it was an opportunity to network in all aspects with all close family and friends. We must entertain ourselves with the usual drinks, khebabs, domedo ( that domedo…!!!) which was manufactured in his abode and the like for at least 4 hours or more, at the court.
For many years when he lived in Tema Community 10 and later in North Legon, we were always to leave 21st September (his birthday) in our schedule and calendar free because on that day (which he knows will be declared a holiday) one’s destination from lunchtime was his house. The last one at North Legon on 21 September 2020 went on until the wee hours of the morning.
Linda, Klenam and Sefakor were part of the squash fraternity in Tema. The kids, from a very early age, joined him at the Squash Court on Saturdays and Sundays when he came to play and even during the week when he had scheduled matches, in the morning, they still came with him. He certainly taught us a few about squash and family.
The development of squash in Ghana, over the years has been left to the sportsmen with a passion for the sport. We give voluntarily to uphold the sport. Patrick contributed largely to keep the squash club running, to keep the courts maintained, to sponsor competitions, to improve the courts with developments, to hold get-togethers, to funerals in his squash fraternities and lastly to his squash friends who are unduly afflicted in sickness, health and other financial challenges.
Even at his passing his name was listed as one of those who had contributed financially to the funeral of the spouse of a loved brother and member, who was yet to be buried.
This was our brother, who some of us, have known for many years through the changing scenes of life – Achimota School, Cadet Corps, University of Science and Technology, Indece Hall Sports Team, socially in Tema and sportsmanship through the squash courts.
He leaves us with his legacy –to give and not ask for more, to be a brother’s keeper, to be selfless and yet humble, and to let one’s works and deeds talk for one. He had a general desire for knowledge and a sincere wish to render himself more extensively serviceable to his fellow creatures. He believed in the guidance of his faith, and the regulation of his actions while being guided to keep himself in due bounds with all mankind. We have lost a superstructure which is certainly honorable to the builder…!!!
We will remind ourselves of you with this:
This was a life that had hardly begun, No time to find your place in the sun, No time to do all you could have done, But we loved you enough for a lifetime.
No time to enjoy the world and its wealth, No time to take life down off the shelf, No time to sing the songs of yourself, Though you had enough love for a lifetime
Those who live long endure sadness and tears, But you’ll never suffer the sorrowing years, No betrayal, no anger, no hatred, no fears, Just love – only love- in your lifetime.
Mary Yarnall
Rest in perfect peace, Patrick. You will be sorely missed by your ‘family’ in the Squash Fraternity.
Fare Thee Well
By Hoffmann Lartey
On behalf of the TSRC/TAYSEC