Tribute by Paternal Aunts



When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea-billows roll
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say
It is well with my soul.

Dear Patrick,

Your untimely departure has created a vacuum in the family. No words can describe the pain we feel. We pray to the Almighty to give us strength to bear this loss and also comfort us. Your death casts our minds back to 1969 when we felt the same deep sorrow that has stayed with us for years.

Patrick, your life was well lived, although very short. You touched many hearts and always made any occasion joyful and peaceful. You quickly turned any sad moment of your aunties into a happy one. You had a special persona that lit up any gathering. This was your special gift.

Recently we asked you to play the role of an elder together with the Aunties; your response was a smile. Little did we know that you didn’t have much time left on this earth.
Father grant your servant peace and keep him safely in your kingdom.

Patrick, you will be dearly missed. Your loving paternal aunties say Rest in Peace.