Tribute by Kafui Nutor

‘Love leaves a memory no one can steal,
but death leaves a memory no one can heal!’
(Author: Unknown)

Monday, 11th January 2021, is a day I will never forget! I have heard many stories about people losing their fathers; I least expected that I would also lose mine so soon.
I don’t know where to begin. All I keep thinking is how I wish I had the opportunity to see you one more time; to hear your voice, to see you smile and hear you chuckle.

Although I didn’t grow up around my dad, we developed a close and caring bond. Daddy taught me independence and modesty. He would check up on me when he hadn’t heard from me in a while.

He was dedicated to the things he loved. He loved music and sports, specifically squash. I was so worried when he sustained a terrible injury from a squash ball hitting his eye. I asked if he would ever play squash again but he said to me: “Kafui, I will play with protective goggles.’’ That is the level of dedication, and passion daddy had no matter the challenge or risk.

I wish I could turn back the hands of time to spend a little more time with you daddy. I have been asking myself a lot of questions ever since your painful demise. Daddy why did you leave without saying goodbye.”

Till we meet again, I pray that God grants you a special place with Him in paradise for your good deeds and all the lives you positively influenced.

Daddy, my heart bleeds each time I remember that you are gone, but your loving and caring fatherly presence will continue to be with me for the rest of my life.
I love you Daddy.

Rest peacefully in the bosom of the Good Lord. Adieu!!